Вакансии на круизные лайнеры от Costa Cruises

Вакансии на круизные лайнеры от Costa Cruises - оплачивается авиаперелет
Круизная компания Costa Cruises производит набор для работы на своих лайнерах. Внимание, компания за свой счет оплачивает кандидату авиаперелет туда-обратно. Данная компания насчитывает 15 кораблей и является самой крупной и современной в Европе. Все суда ходят под итальянским флагом по маршрутам Средиземноморья, Северной Европы, Балтийскому, Карибскому и Красному морям, Южной Америке, ОАЭ, Дальнему Востоку, Индийскому океану.
• Adult Animator – Age between 20-35 years. Degree in tourism or any related field is a plus. Good communication skills. Computer skills, sport and artistic skills are highly appreciated. Fluent English and basic second language is a must.( one from the following: Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (Mandarin). The salary levels for Animator Cruise Staff are the following (dollars): level C entry 900.00$ level B $1050.00 level A $1350.00 from C to B after 1 complete contract and pm of at least 70/100 from B to A after 2 complete contracts and pm of at least 70/100 Monthly Bonus varies between $0,00 - $150,00
• Children Animator - Age between 20-35 years. Degree in tourism or any related field is a plus. Good communication skills. Computer skills, sport and artistic skills are highly appreciated. Fluent English and basic second language is a must.( one from the following: Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (Mandarin). The salary levels for Animator Cruise Staff are the following (dollars): level C entry $900.00 level B $1050.00 level A $1350.00 from C to B after 1 complete contract and pm of at least 70/100 from B to A after 2 complete contracts and pm of at least 70/100 Monthly Bonus varies between 0,00 - $150,00
• Bar Waiter/ess - Age between 20-30 years. Minimum 1 year work experience. Good English skills. Salary is – $430.00 plus 15% from sales. (Guaranteed salary $933.00 will be paid if commission on sales plus basic salary will be less then $933.00)
• Guest Service Operator – Age between 18-35 years. Secondary School in languages or tourism degree is required. University degree in modern languages, tourism or communication is highly appreciated. Fluent English and 2 more languages is a must (2 from the following: Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (Mandarin)). Salary is – $1423.70 plus a hotel Service incentive (various between 0.00-$210.00).
• Assistant waiter/ess – Age between 20-28 years. One year in same or higher position in restaurant with a minimum of 50 seats. Table cloth service or “fine dining” service. Good English skills. Salary – $554.00 plus tips, estimated monthly $1124.00.
• Tour Escort – Age between 20-35 years. Secondary School in Tourism degree is required. University degree in modern languages, tourism or communication is highly appreciated. Fluent English and second language is a must ( one from the following: Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (Mandarin)). Salary - $927.20 plus $310.00 (sales/performance) which comes to $1237.00 per month (estimated).

· 20+ years old
· 1-3 years customer service experience
· Enthusiastic, high energy personality
· Success-oriented drive for results
· Excellent communication skills
· Fluent spoken and written English skills
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